College Reporting

Welcome to Jalysa Moreland's collection of works. These stories consist of political, and social aspect written for Multiwriting class assignments. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

2008 Presidential Primary Election

Above all the presidential elections I have seen, I believe that the presidential election for 2008 is the most important election thus far. This election will make a mark in history. The negative mindsets of some individuals may change. For the first time in our nation’s history, there is a strong chance that we could have either an African American President, or we could have a woman leading our nation. Either one of the candidates would a great leader. They both stand firm on good platform's that they feel would be great to implement if chosen for presidency; however, its still up to 50 states to decide.

February 5, 2008

The news stations and several students of Clark Atlanta University's Mass Media Arts Department called this spectacular day "super tuesday." This may have been because twenty-four states were holding presidential primaries or caucuses: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah and West Virginia. Among these 24 states the 1,681 democratic delegates are at stake in 16 primaries and seven caucuses. The Republicans have 1,020 delegates at stake in 15 primaries and six caucuses. After a long day's election Democratic candidate Barack Obama took the led by winning 13 of those 24 states votes. Republican John McCain took the lead by winning 10 of those 24 states.

February 12th

Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia. Registered voters went out this date to state who they felt their president should be. Democrate Barack Obama won votes for all three states but that did not make he arrogant. Later that night he gave a victory speech to thank his supporters and to promise is goal of changing America " This is the new American majority. This is what change looks like when it happens from the bottom up. And in this election, your voices will be heard." Mr. Obama made this statement in his speech to address the fact that everyon will count in this year's election and that he promotes change. On the Republican side John McCain was the elected winner and at his victory speech addressed the candidates of the democratic party. "But now, my friends, comes the hard part, and for America, the much bigger decision. We do not yet know for certain who will have the honor of being the Democratic Party's nominee for president. But we know where either of their candidates will lead this country, and we dare not let them." Mr. McCain was informing his supporters that he was the best candidate for the position of presidency.

February 19th

Hawaii and Wisconsin went out to vote for their primary elections and once again Democrate Barack Obama carried majority of the votes for both regions. Mr. Obama won Wisconsin by 58.1% of the votes and 42 delegates. The republican winner for Wisconsin was Senator John McCain with 54.8% of the votes, and 31 delegates. Obama won Hawaii with 75.7% of the total votes and 14 delegates. Unfortunatly the primary elections for the Republican party is not until May 19th.

In addition to Hawaii and Wisconsin voting Nevada and South Carolina preliminaries were today as well. The winning streak for McCain continues as election sparks up the community in Nevada and South Carolina on their election date of February 19, 2008. On this date in Nevada surprising to some, Clinton was the elected winner on the democratic side while Romney was the winner of Nevada and McCain was the winner of South Carolina. This election is getting pretty intense for both parties.

March 4th
Barack Obama is steadliy having a pause in his winning streak. Texas, Vermont, Ohio, and Rhode Island went out to cast their vote and of the four states primary three elected Ms. Hiliary Clinton as there candidate and the people of Vermont elected Barack Obama. Although Obama did not win Texas during the primaries he won during the Caucuses. Ms. Clinton led Ohio with 54% votes and 75 delegates, Rhode Island with 58% voted and 13 delegates and Texas with 51% voted and 65 delegates. McCain's winning streak picked up because he won all four states. Ohio with 60% votes and 85 delegates, Rhode Island 65% and 13 delegates, Texas with 51% and 12 delegates, and Vermont with 72% votes and 17 delegates. After this smooth turn around for McCain and Clinton now leading the primaries it is, anybody's election.

March 11th
On this day I made various phone calls to people I knew in Mississippi to make sure they went out and voted. These primary's probably gave McCain an arrogant attitude thinking that he has everything under control because he has not been loosing. For the state of Mississippi John McCain led the Republican with 78% votes and 36 delegates. Barack Obama's bad luck had ended he won Mississippi with 61% votes and 19 delegates. Things have really begun to heat up in the presidential race, especially between the Democratic candidates Senator Obama and Senator Clinton.

April 22nd
This primary election was held in Pennsylvania, and after Hiliary Clinton won, in giving her victory speech she seemed a little hostile. She was trying to convince Americans the she was the best candidate. She informed her viewers that Obama was nothing but a quitter and she was not. "they (the American people) deserve a President who doesn’t quit." Clinton tried to get Obama to agree to haveing a replacement North Carolina debate for the one that was cancelled. Beause Obama refused Clinton used this to assume that he may be “afraid”. John McCain led Pennslvania with 75%. He thanked he supporters for being with him thus far and he wanted everyone to know that he appreciates the voters who vote for him, as well as the voters who vote for the democratic candidates he claimed that he wants America to see that he is a better candidate then Clinton and Obama.


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